GrapeLink NZ
For vineyards to plan and record sprays & applications, issue work orders, process declarations, view maturity & weights, and more
For wineries to manage intake & compliance
To assist SWNZ manage certification of vineyard members
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SWNZ vineyard members have access to GrapeLink NZ to plan and record sprays & applications, issue operator sheets (work orders), and process declarations for their winery.
NZ wine companies use GrapeLink to manage chemical use compliance, manage and approve intake with supplier declarations and GrapeLink calculated earliest harvest dates, and report maturity test results & delivery weights back to their vineyard suppliers.
GrapeLink NZ plays an important role in the annual certification of SWNZ members.

Vineyard Blocks Module
This module supports the registration of vineyards, blocks, block attributes, and the association of blocks to wineries.
All blocks hold a GrapeLink Block ID.
This unique identifier facilitates two-way data exchange and integrations with NuPoint [providing GPS tracking and proof of placement] and winery systems.

Chemicals, Adjuvants & Fertilisers Module
This module is used to collate ACVM registered chemicals with label claims for vineyards & grapes, additives such as adjuvants & surfactants, and fertilisers.
Standard PHI’s and growth stage restrictions are applied based on the NZW Vineyard Spray Schedule.
Wine companies (with GrapeLink service arrangements) specify their own PHI’s, growth stage restrictions and products they do not allow their vineyard suppliers to use.

Sprays & Applications Module
Vineyards and vineyard group accounts use this module to plan and record sprays & applications on their vineyard blocks.
Job types are foliar sprays, ground sprays, spot sprays, spread fertilisers, fertigation, and paint.
Planning allows vineyards to check compliance for their winery and SWNZ, use the GrapeLink Rates Calculator for guidance, and check the calculated earliest harvest date.
Planning also allows operator sheets (work orders) to be processed and printed, emailed to operators, and transmitted to NuPoint.
New jobs can be “cloned” from previously entered jobs.
Reporting delivers the traditional “spray diary” with advanced search filters.
GrapeLink foliar (canopy) application record form
GrapeLink foliar (canopy) operator sheet (work order)
GrapeLink ground spray application record form
GrapeLink ground spray operator sheet (work order)

Rates Calculator
GrapeLink provides vineyards and vineyard group accounts with a rates calculator that can be used when planning foliar [canopy] applications.
The rates calculator is supported by a guidance point of runoff table compiled by specialists in vineyard spraying and multiple wine company viticulturists. It calculates a guidance Ha rate based on the label’s 100L rate for spraying to the point of runoff. The guidance point of runoff is determined by row spacing, canopy training system, canopy density and growth [phenology] stage. The concentration factor is calculated by dividing the guidance point of runoff by the spray volume.

Resistance Calculator
GrapeLink provides a resistance calculator for blocks contracted to wine companies with GrapeLink service arrangements.
The resistance calculator can be used by vineyards and vineyard group accounts when planning applications. It checks that each job is compliant with resistance guidelines listed in the NZW Vineyard Spray Schedule and [future] NZ EPA limits on the amount of active ingredient that can be applied.
There are many active ingredients used in NZ that are subject to resistance guidelines and EPA limits.
The guidelines include a maximum number of applications, limits on consecutive applications, and requirements for non-consecutive applications.

Declarations Module
Vineyards use this module to “declare” all sprays & applications on a block, and their completion, to their winery.
The declaration is customised for wine companies with GrapeLink service arrangements and displays the calculated earliest harvest date based on the wine company’s PHI’s. It is auto emailed to the wine company.
The declaration may also be printed at any time for use as a calendar of work orders.
GrapeLink block declaration form

Operator & Equipment Profiles Module
Vineyards use this module to list their operator names and email, GrowSafe accreditation details, and list their equipment used for spraying [with tank size] and spreading.
These listings display in drop lists on application record forms.

Maturity & Weights Module
Wine companies with service arrangements can use GrapeLink to publish pre-harvest test results for brix, TA, pH and bunch weight for each vineyard supplier.
They can also use GrapeLink to publish delivery weights for each vineyard supplier and allow vineyards to print delivery documentation.
Maturity data

SWNZ Harvest Date Module
Vineyard members of SWNZ must record the harvest date for each block as an important input into their annual certification.

NuPoint Integration Module
NuPoint provides integrated GPS and data solutions that track jobs for proof of placement.
GrapeLink operator sheets (work orders) are transmitted to NuPoint for allocation to spray rigs.
The two-way API integration with NuPoint transmits back to GrapeLink the block completion dates, equipment used, operator names completing the job, weather data and actual spray volumes allowing accurate calculation of the amount of product used.

Winery System Integrations
GrapeLink operates two-way API integrations with proprietary winery systems and Vintrace which is a cloud-based system widely used by multiple wine companies with GrapeLink service arrangements.
GrapeLink can transmit application records, production estimates, phenology dates, final application dates, earliest harvest dates and intake approval.
Subscribing wine companies can transmit maturity results for Brix, TA, pH and bunch weights prior to harvest and delivery weights after harvest.

GrapeLink for Contractors & Vineyard Groups
GrapeLink provides a “group” account option for vineyard contractors and managers of vineyard groups.
Group accounts can record jobs that run across multiple vineyards and blocks that are associated with the account.
The group account function is an efficient way of eliminating the entry of the same job multiple times.

GrapeLink App
GFAP allows secure access to key GrapeLink system functions for registered vineyards, registered group accounts [covering multiple vineyard registrations] and wine companies with GrapeLink service arrangements by a smart phone app.
This complements full GrapeLink system access by computer and smart phone/tablet devices.
The GrapeLink offer
GrapeLink for vineyards
- GrapeLink offers more than just compliance records
- Plan your spray & applications program using the rates & resistance calculators
- Check your winery requirements are met and alerts are not flagged
- Check your earliest harvest dates
- Process operator sheets (work orders) and transmit to NuPoint
- Process declarations for your winery
- View Brix and other maturity results
- View delivery weights
GrapeLink for wineries
- Real time visibility of sprays and applications, alerts for non-compliance and calculated earliest harvest dates
- Automated compliance management
- Manage intake with automated approvals for booking